What we do
IFS Skillnet is co-funded by Skillnet Ireland and member companies. Its aim is to support the IFS sector in maintaining Ireland’s position as a top international financial services centre, through ongoing investment in the development of the skills and expertise of this workforce.
The network is led by a steering group with includes member companies and the leading financial services industry associations. It comprises of Financial Services Ireland (FSI), the Federation of International Banks in Ireland (FIBI), Irish Funds (IF), Insurance Ireland, and the Irish Association of Investment Managers (IAIM).
The overall aim of IFS Skillnet is to:
- Enable companies across the sector to pool skills needs and collaborate to create new learning and development opportunities for a range of employee groups in the sector
- Provide a forum for companies within the international financial services sector to work with providers to develop industry relevant education and training programmes
- Provide a strategic lead and focus for the development of skills in the sector, ensuring the Irish operations remain globally best-in-class, are competitive internationally and continue to create employment
- Provide a strategic rapid response platform for industry leaders and education on training providers to create new solutions to skills required in the market
- Support the transfer of knowledge and competence, both within and across companies in the sector and to raise the overall pool of competence with in the sector in Ireland