Regulatory Reporting

Start Dates: TBC

Duration: 6 days (6 x 1 day modules) delivered live online

Location: Online

Full Fee: €1,500 (per module)

Network Members Fee: €1,125 (per module)

Programme overview

IOB in association with IFS Skillnet is delighted to introduce the Regulatory Reporting in ROI training programme and professional designation of Regulatory Reporting Professional (RRP).

Participants will gain new, practical skills associated with the mechanics of regulatory reporting. Irish banks operate in a regulated environment which requires them to submit a wide range of supervisory and statistical regulatory returns, for multiple licensed entities, to regulators and supervisors.

These returns must be prepared to a very high standard, in a controlled manner, and submitted on a timely basis.

The prudential supervisory returns provide the regulators and supervisors with critical information about the financial, risk, capital and liquidity positions of the supervised entities. The information contained in the statistical returns provides regulators and policy makers with sector and industry information which helps shape macro-economic policy.

Closing Date: 22nd November 2023

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Articulate the main areas of risks in banking that regulation seeks to mitigate
  • Explain the regulatory rationale underpinning the reporting requirements associated with the risks in banking
  • Explain the main regulatory reporting compliance requirements, including Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) reporting requirements
  • Describe the mechanics of regulatory reporting
  • Explain the interrelatedness of the regulatory requirements and how they relate to the overall financial condition of a bank.

Who is the course for?

On successful completion of this programme, participants will earn the professional designation of Regulatory Reporting Professional (RRP) from IOB and will be invited to the relevant designation and CPD scheme. The designation is maintained through completion and return of annual CPD hours.

Day 1 – (23 Nov)

Day 2 – (30 Nov) s

Day 3 – (7 Dec)

Day 4 – (20 March)

Day 5 – (21 March)

Day 6 – (5 April) Other Regulatory Returns

Trainer Profile

IOB is a professional network of 33,600 members who work in banking and international financial services sector. IOB is a recognised college of University College Dublin (UCD) and is a centre of excellence in the provision of specialist education and lifelong learning to the financial services sector with programmes for members at every stage of their career. A total of 8,300 people studied with us last year and we have the largest continuing professional development community in Ireland with 23,800 registered members, committed to lifelong learning. IOB was founded in 1898 and is one of the oldest banking institutes in the world. The focus of the new Institute was on education. Its first goal was “to enable its members to acquire a knowledge of the theory and practice of banking, and to promote the consideration and discussion of matters of interest to the profession”. We are proud to continue this tradition as a not‐for‐profit organisation providing education for public benefit.